Grup NN · NN_living

New passive homes in the Gràcia district of Barcelona

Written in 26/05/23 · Reading time: 4 minutes
NN Providence

New NN nZEB rental promotion. As a result of our commitment to promote sustainability by adapting to the climatic conditions of Barcelona, we present this innovative building at Providència Street 164-174 in Barcelona. Its 18 apartments have optimized energy consumption to the fullest by prioritizing energy efficiency and emission reduction.

The construction of a housing development with nearly zero energy consumption (nZEB) involves the implementation of a series of resources to minimize energy consumption, waste generation, and to respect and improve the environmental surroundings.

Our new housing and parking promotion in the Gràcia neighborhood welcomes its new tenants this week. We share with you all the sustainability aspects considered to offer the maximum comfort to all its inhabitants.

When we talk about the skin of our buildings, it is designed with energy efficiency and thermal insulation in mind. The facade facing Providencia street, as well as the internal facade and the inner courtyards, are equipped with an external and internal thermal insulation system, known as the ETICS system.

NN Providence

The design of the houses should make the most of the available natural resources, such as sunlight and natural ventilation, which is why we design an interior layout that allows for an effective cross ventilation.

La ventilación adecuada es fundamental para garantizar la calidad del aire en el interior de las viviendas. Para aprovechar al máximo la luz y favorecer la ventilación natural, el diseño de ésta y todas nuestras obras nuevas pasa por un generoso perímetro exterior y aperturas de grandes dimensiones que permitan una iluminación natural en el interior de las viviendas. Además, se instalan luminarias LED de bajo consumo con tonalidades cálidas.

It is essential to use high energy-efficient windows with double or triple glazing and frames that prevent air leaks, to minimize heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer; in addition to having good insulation in ceilings, walls, and floors. This helps maintain a comfortable indoor temperature without the need for intensive heating or cooling systems.

A dual ventilation system has been implemented, which includes micro-ventilation in the aluminum joinery and a controlled mechanical double-flow ventilation system. This latter system provides constant air renewal and filtration, and uses an S&P brand heat recovery unit. Thanks to this system, a 15% saving in primary energy is achieved.

Metal Hydro Circular aluminum

Hydro Circal carpentry, made of aluminum produced from at least 75% recycled windows. Movable louvers in Sant Joan Despí.

Additionally, adjustable blinds have been installed to control the influx of sunlight and mitigate heating in glazed areas. The high-quality aluminum joinery used in the building provides excellent thermal and acoustic insulation, ensuring maximum comfort inside the homes. It is important to note that the aluminum used comes mostly from recycled windows, contributing to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions.

Similarly, in other developments, such as the case of the latest new rental building in Sant Joan Despí, the facades also feature movable and/or fixed lattices installed on the balconies to modulate direct contact with the street, protect from solar radiation, and provide thermal comfort.

Moreover, the homes are equipped with highly efficient air conditioning and domestic hot water production systems. Each home has an aerothermal heat pump located on the roof, which uses the ambient air as a source of renewable energy. This unique system allows for savings of up to 40% compared to conventional heating and cooling systems. Inside each home, an air conditioning unit and a hot water production kit have been installed. Both the air conditioning and heating operate through soundproofed ducts and adjustable grilles, allowing the temperature to be tailored to the needs of each room. Likewise, efficient appliances from well-known brands are installed.

ACS production climate control

The building has implemented measures to optimize water consumption. All faucets are equipped with aerators to reduce water flow without compromising the user experience; toilets have dual flush tanks, allowing for the adjustment of water usage as needed; we have replaced natural grass with artificial turf, and promote green areas with native plants that require less watering.

In other developments, such as the aforementioned NN Rius i Taulet in Sant Joan Despí, a rainwater collection and reuse system is also implemented.

Regarding the elevators, the OTIS Genesis models have been chosen, which combine LED lighting and automatic cabin light shut-off, allowing for up to 75% energy savings. Moreover, the "Regen Drive" regenerative technology used is 75% more efficient than conventional systems. Overall, the building's elevators have achieved the highest energy efficiency rating of “A”.

The new NN Providència housing building is a prominent example of sustainable design and energy efficiency. Certified with an energy rating of A, in terms of both energy consumption and CO₂ emissions, this building stands as a model in efficiency and environmental responsibility. The combination of a well-designed exterior envelope, efficient lighting systems, energy-saving elevators, adequate ventilation, and highly efficient air conditioning and hot water production systems, make this building yet another model for our future sustainable projects. By using sustainable building materials, such as certified wood, natural insulators, paints, and coatings with low environmental impact; and promoting the reuse and recycling of materials during construction, it is possible to build innovative, modern, and comfortable buildings without compromising the environment.

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