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Excellence, quality, and sustainability: the three pillars of Seventy Spa Organic & Vegan

Written in 05/09/22 · Reading time: 4 minutes
Seventy Spa

India and Greece were the first civilizations to have public baths. The Romans spread the use and culture of water with their thermae, which they would visit at the end of the day to relax and enjoy its benefits. The Arabs adopted them later, when they discovered them in Spain.

Both Greeks and Romans believed that water was beneficial for health. Besides the hygienic benefits, they would relax, exercise, and socialize in public baths. We can say that it was part of their lifestyle.

Hoy, los spas urbanos son espacios de relajación en medio del estrés de las ciudades, y estos pequeños oasis nos permiten recuperar la conexión con nosotros mismos, como lo hacían antiguamente. Hemos hablado con Jose Calderón, managing director de Seventy Spa Organic & Vegan, para que nos cuente más sobre ello.

Jose Calderón Seventy Spa Organic & Vegan

Calderón began working in advertising and specialized in the world of cosmetics, advising several spas and premium centers. With his experience and that of his partner, a distributor of luxury cosmetic brands in Spain, they created the first Signature Spa. They currently manage five spas: four in Barcelona and one in Sitges. To their professionalism, one must add their exquisite service and the excellent training of their team, who take care of everything with great attention to detail.

Seventy Spa Organic & Vegan is located in our hotel Seventy Barcelona, on Còrsega Street, 244-352, in Barcelona. Seventy Spa, just like the rest of the Signature Spa centers, has a unique feature: all treatments are performed with Scens products, which are not made with animal material. “In addition to being vegan products, they are of high quality. Customers notice the difference when they try them,” says Jose Calderón.

Seventy Spa Organic Water Zone

Their work philosophy is based on excellence, a fact that has earned them the prestigious award for Best Spa in Spain in 2022, given by Vida Estética magazine, an award chosen by top professionals in the aesthetics world from across the country. “Winning this award means to us that all the effort we put in every day is recognized. People come here to have a good time and that is very rewarding, for all that we strive to offer them,” points out Calderón.

At Seventy Spa, they have strict and exclusive protocols to ensure that the customer experience is always top-notch: “we take care of every detail so that you have a perfect multisensory experience,” they comment. “Another one of our values, besides being organic and vegan, is the sustainability of the environment and the planet. That's why all the cosmetic products we use have packaging without plastic and are made of recycled glass. In general, throughout the spa, no plastic is used at all, even the water drinks come in aluminum containers. This philosophy is also shared with the hotel: zero plastics,” they explain. Awareness of the environment is a trend that has come to stay. We are increasingly committed and the new generations even more so: “younger customers love that all the products we use are vegan. In addition, they are also local, from local producers,” they assure.

SCENS Seventy Spa

Calderón explains that although the initial impact of the pandemic was negative because the spa had to be closed, in the post-pandemic era the number of clients has increased as people value their personal care more. The pandemic has made us think more about ourselves and invest more in taking care of ourselves. “Cities like Barcelona can be stressful, we don't stop to think about ourselves, that's why there is also a trend to practice yoga, mindfulness, meditation... We need more time for self-care. Getting a massage is a wonderful feeling. I recommend it at least once a month, it improves your quality of life,” says the managing director of Seventy Spa Organic & Vegan.

At Seventy Spa, we aim to provide the customer with a memorable experience. “We have always been committed to the local customer. There are differences between local and international customers; American or Arab clients have more culture in treatments,” says Calderón, adding that now clients from Barcelona are more in search of their well-being. “Many groups come to do beauty parties and celebrations. Before, they organized other types of activities for their parties, but now they might prefer going out to eat and getting some treatments.”

Excellence, quality, and sustainability are the three words with which Jose Calderón defines the space: “from the moment a client enters, they begin to have a 360º experience: the music, the scent, and the whole atmosphere start to relax you. Effectiveness is another one of our values. Moreover, in the treatments, we also perform a skin diagnosis.”

Dry sauna

Seventy Spa Organic & Vegan crea sinergias con el hotel para que el cliente encuentre ahí todas las experiencias posibles. “Intentamos que el cliente disfrute el máximo tiempo posible en Seventy Barcelona. Con el restaurante, The Kitchen, hemos ideado una opción de menú vegano, Gastro-Wellness, juntamente con el chef, para que todo forme parte de esta experiencia 360º que queremos ofrecer”, explica Jose Calderón.

Lastly, we asked Jose Calderón which places in Barcelona he recommends to his clients: “For dining, I suggest The Green Spot or Fismuler. And after a relaxation session at the spa of Seventy Barcelona, I propose visiting the Gothic Quarter and stepping into an art gallery or admiring the architecture of l’Eixample and its modernist buildings.”

One last warning: with its slow beauty approach and personalized service, trying Seventy Spa might make you addicted to its services.

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