Grup NN · NN_living

Àngel Figuerola, architect: “We began to build single-family homes in Sabadell at the best located point of Can Gambús, at the foot of the highway"

Written in 13/10/16 · Reading time: 7 minutes
Gambus Lute

An architect by profession, graduated from ETSAB in 1971. Currently practicing from his own office, which he shares with his son. Due to professional deformation, in order to start talking, he asks for—needs—paper and pen, with which he sketches, freehand, both the new residential neighborhood of Can Gambús (west of Sabadell, next to the C-58 highway) and the development that Núñez y Navarro begins to market under the brand Nou CanGambús. After a first block completed seven years ago, a project of 66 single-family homes started with his partners, Marc Batlle and Rafael Llonch, from ARQ3, is now coming to light, and a new phase of which (eight homes) has already been completed. Núñez y Navarro plans more than 200 new homes in the Sabadell residential area.

How does the story of this project begin, which is now starting to conclude?

The story of this promotion at Can Gambús is that it now marks the end of a phase. There were lands owned by 80 proprietors who reached an agreement: there was one owner who took the initiative and planned the development. This plan was approved after the entire ordeal of planning processes, the area was urbanized, and now what is being done is to start building at one end, which is the best located, right next to the highway. And of course: this is the result of 14 years of work.

Is the basic project yours? From your current office or the one you shared with your partners?

We had been [together] since we finished our studies, which we completed in '71: we set up an office with three colleagues, and we grew big. And then, one colleague retired; another had some health issues, and then we closed the office, the one we had for life, and now I have set up an office with my son because we do the same work we did before; in essence, it's a continuation of the office we had, but with different workers. The Can Gambús project was done by the former partnership, that is, I did it together with the partners who are now retired; that is to say, the project, strictly speaking, is not mine: the project belongs to Marc Batlle, Rafael Llonch, and Àngel Figuerola.

Let it be perfectly clear, then. What has ended is the first phase: eight single-family homes...

Yes, good. Here we have a promotion of 66 homes, of which there is a first phase of eight homes, a second phase (which, at this moment, is in the structural phase), which are 16, and I suppose it will continue to progress. These are single-family homes with a communal garage below, semi-detached. We would say that, if there are eight houses [he starts to draw them], I have this, I have four houses and four more houses [opposite]. Here, I have some patios that go around [on one side] and some patios that go around [on the other], and this house [he marks one on the drawing] has this patio, and this forms a unit, plus: here below there is a ramp that leads to a garage and, as you have a communal hallway, then you have some boxes with their corresponding door, in which two, three cars can fit.

Gambus Lute

The rest of the houses will be twins of these first ones. Why are they houses and why are they the way they are and not any other way?

They are houses because, when the planning was done, land reserves were made for single-family homes. Later, there was a land reserve for an industrial area, and another reserve for multi-family residential. And here, it was thought that single-family homes would be suitable, and, in addition, there are other plots where there are more, but, basically, here, there are a total of 66 plots that the NN group owns, and then, there are some remaining plots, which amount to about twenty more —16 more— that belong to other owners.

Who is the target, the potential buyers of these houses? Families with children?

In Sabadell, there is a long-standing tradition of terraced housing. Here, essentially, what is being done is creating Sabadell-style homes in a new area. And then, who is the buyer here? Initially, it is a home where they can have an elevator from top to bottom, with a private courtyard, with a private pool, where they can have a dog and can take the children for a walk: very close by, there is an eight-hectare park, Can Gambús Park, which is completed and operational; you are right by the highway. It seems to have a number of advantages.

Any curiosities in this process to achieve the first eight houses completed? Archaeological remains were found in the preliminary survey, right?

Throughout the estate, which covered about 80 hectares. This is the highway [she draws it]; then, Can Gambús is here, and it came, more or less, this way [she completes its perimeter], on the other side. This is towards Terrassa and, here, it's towards Barcelona [she traces the highway, to the left of Can Gambús], and, here [she points to the place], there's an exit right by the highway; you're 100 meters away. Look: here's the bridge to go to Sant Quirze [she indicates it].

Here [surrounding the area], there is a significant surface where an archaeological survey had to be conducted in order to proceed with the excavation of the land, because there were significant earth movements, and, afterwards, for a year and a half, 80 archaeologists with their little brushes were searching, and they found 100 skeletons. In fact, nothing particularly interesting was found. It was already known that, on this side of the Arraona avenue, there had been some surveys 20 years ago, when the road was built. It all had to be brushed off and excavated.

Gambus Song


There is one. Here [it shows where], the remains of a machine gun nest from the airport's civil war defense are located. A remnant has been left, which is also a protected element that can be visited. And, here [further down], there is a mine which is a cuniculus, which is an excavation that it is not known whether it was for water transport or to go under Sabadell, which was seven meters deep, and which was detected here [it is reviewed], with some ventilation shafts.

All of this is incorporated into what is Can Gambús park, which, if that's the entire estate surrounding it, this part was ceded to the city council as cultivable land [he marks on the paper, to the left of the highway], and the park is a section right here, in the middle of the entire estate, which includes the whole hill.

Look back and reflect on your entire career. Which projects are you most proud of? Choose a few. Take a plunge.

I don't know. Lately, we've done some things that aren't too bad. Right here, in this very development, there's a building next to Arraona roundabout, which is all done with wooden slats, and we're happy with it. Here, we made a completely different building; these were multi-family homes. Here [close to the highway], we built a pneumatic waste collection station—for urban waste, as they call it—that also looks good, I would say it's interesting. But anyway: we have no aspirations to win the FAD Award, so to speak [laughs]: we are aware of our limitations.

We are before a neighborhood that is being born...

This is a completely new area, which can accommodate 2,500 homes, with a central park. Here, at one time, before the crisis, they had already started. They built some homes here [he points to where], and over there [at the other end], they built others; then the crisis came, and now we are building these single-family homes here.

What does it mean to work with Núñez y Navarro?

I am very happy to work for Núñez y Navarro. I am very happy. However, if I am not happy with a client, I usually don't last many years. Here, we have known each other for years, and there are no problems: everyone is demanding, but it is the developer's duty to be demanding.

How many years have you been collaborating with NN?

I don't know. Maybe it's been 20 years since we've worked [together].

In these 20 years, how many projects could have been completed?

Many. It has always been a continuum of projects: each year, we always had a couple of things underway.

What would you highlight? What have you suffered or enjoyed particularly?

Everyone suffers and everyone enjoys. I don't know, now. To say a name, I don't know. I am happy about this housing promotion; we are happy, because it seems to me that it can turn out well.

Do you see people from Barcelona living in it? Do you see native people from Sabadell?

Yes, yes. I would say so. I would say that the people who are going to come to live here will not only come from Sabadell. In Sant Quirze, in a development in which Núñez y Navarro were also involved, we managed to build 1,200 or 1,500 homes, and there is 15% from Sabadell, but there is 85% of people who came from Barcelona, from Cerdanyola, from Terrassa, from I don't know where.

It's another way of living. Having a dog is essential, and being able to park your car in front of your house: you have no parking problems. Here, with 60 houses, it will be difficult to get to know the neighbors, it's not easy; this is an advantage and a disadvantage because, of course, the quietness is nice, but then, it's also nice to have a city vibe, and the city vibe should be in the park or in the small commercial area that is here [points out where], but I would say that this development is more residential, it's not a shopping center.

A neighborhood that was born thanks to his work. Thank you very much, Àngel. A pleasure.

Nuñez i Navarro Group's Gambus Building
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